Street & Sidewalk Maintenance

Street & Sidewalk Maintenance

Street & Sidewalk Maintenance

There are approximately 23 lane miles of municipal roads and associated sidewalks. Street Department personnel remove and replace concrete street slabs, sidewalks, and curb and gutters, as well as patch asphalt streets and install asphalt curbs. Major repairs, rebuilds and overlays are usually contracted out to firms with the specialized equipment required to mill and replace larger sections of streets. The City does not maintain state highways within the City limits (St. Charles Rock Road, Woodson Road) nor County highways (Brown Road).

Winter Roads

In the winter the Street Department runs two crews to remove snow and ice to keep the streets safe and passable. It is important to remember that when the forecast is for snow and ice, please keep your vehicles parked off the street and in your driveway. This will allow us to keep the streets cleaned from curb to curb. Also remember that the City does not remove snow or ice from state highways (St. Charles Rock Road, Woodson Road), from County roads (Brown Road), nor from Calwood which is a private street.